Welcome To Tony’s Kitchen

Little Story

At the point when Tony's Kitchen founder Tony Roach ventured off the shorelines of Oahu following multi-day of surfing with his Navy pals in the mid-60s, he did what worked out easily for him. He went hunting down a delicious burger, a hot container of fries, and a freshly squeezed drink.

After twenty years, in 1982, it was that feeling of peace and fulfillment he was attempting to reproduce when he took a little piece of Tony's Kitchen and thudded it down right in the territory of Yonkers, New York.


Today, Tony’s Kitchen still is consistent with Tony’s unique experience and his unique vision. Also, however, our menu has developed to incorporate plates of various dishes from around the world. Despite everything we hold fast to the fundamental rationality that new sustenance, well-disposed administration, and a laid-back air is the ideal end to a hard day of work or play. We trust you taste it in each chomp.

Furthermore, we trust that whether you’re a ravenous surfer or occupied salesman, you stroll into Tony’s Kitchen and state to yourself, as Tony did those numerous years back, “Ahh…this is the place I need to be.”


+01 914-256-4590




800, Agar St, New York